Stage 1 Single Ventricle Palliation - PA Banding
Stage 1 Single Ventricle Palliation - PA Banding
This is a closed heart procedure, it does not need cardiopulmonary bypass. The chest will have to be opened from the front, but the functioning of the heart doesn't need to be stopped for doing this procedure. The best time for doing this procedure is around 2 -3 months of age. As discussed, PA banding is done when there is overflow of blood to the lungs and the lung pressure is high. Low lung pressure is an absolute necessity for stage 2 and stage 3 procedures. In this surgery, a tape is placed around the pulmonary artery and tightened, such that only the minimum required amount of blood flows to the lungs. This makes sure that the lung pressure is kept low enough to perform the stage 2 and 3 procedures later. PA banding may also be done for conditions such as: pulmonary atresia, pulmonary stenosis, tetralogy of Fallot, hypoplastic left heart syndrome and tricuspid atresia.